Figuring Sh*t Out

Hello friends,

I’m pretty excited about starting this blog and sharing my journey. I’m not going to go into too much details about the past (lost weight, gained weight, lost weight, gained weight, got pregnant, gained LOTS of weight, stayed the same, stayed the same), my goal is to focus on the present and future.

I am going to be totally transparent with you. I am going to share everything you. It’s going to be a blast :). This isn’t just a blog about weight loss though. This is a journey towards living a healthy life, and a healthy life means a healthy body, a healthy mind, and a healthy spirit. And all that awesome health leads to happiness. SO let’s get Happy!

I don’t want to focus too too much on actual weight or measurements, as these aren’t necessarily the key indicators for health. However, they are good visuals for tracking progress. The main things I will be looking for throughout my journey will be energy levels, sleep quality, strength and endurance, breathing, inner peace, positive thinking.

So where does my journey begin? Well, here we go.

I weigh 204 lbs, I have excess skin on my belly from my gigantic pregnancy, poor muscle strength, I’m tired (because I stay up too late), tiredness then makes my cranky and irritable. My bowels aren’t “regular”, I feel bloated, I drink a bit too much alcohol, and I’m pretty confident that my excess weight is causing me to have difficulty getting pregnant. My nails are brittle and they peel and break often, my hair is dry, and my skin is sometimes dry, flaky and itchy.

That’s about me in a nutshell, and day by day, all that will change.

There are a few daily practices that I plan on implementing to help me achieve my health goals, they include:

– Meditation

– Consuming a primarily plant based diet

– 20-40 minutes of sweat-inducing exercise

– 20-60 minutes of yoga

– Body brushing

– Active positive thinking

In addition to this, I’m going to be looking at all the products I use (cosmetics, skin care, hair care, cleaning supplies) and examine the ingredients to see where I can improve. I will review the different products that I use to help you see where you can make changes too.

I’m also going to be sharing with you my progress as I work towards buildingĀ an exciting andĀ fulfilling business.